Tiffany & Josh High Invite You To The #1 Event For Active Wholesalers & Flippers Looking For A Better Way To Systemize & Scale

In Just 2 Days Learn the Proven System to Build a Team & Scale.

It’s Time To Gain The Edge Of A High-Performance Investing Business So You Can Lock Up Contracts At Scale, Reclaim Your Time, and Finally Unlock 🔓 Your Full Potential 🚀


Columbus Ohio - In our office


At the Results Driven 2-Day Workshop, our team has one goal: to help you learn the proven system for recruiting, onboarding, and managing key team members. Plus our proven dispositions and marketing processes.

If you're tired of feeling stuck, like there is no way out of this grind, if you're finally ready to make an investment that will get you out of the rat race...


✅ Get hands-on experience by shadowing our team.

 You're going to sit with every key player in our ACTIVE real estate company so you can see exactly what they do to help us strive for 300+ transactions a year.

Our only criteria is that you are highly driven to succeed.

We can show you the way, but if you don't plan on following through, save everyone some time and stay home. This event is for go-getters who relish the challenge and hard work it will take to be a top performers.

Go Home With Your Customized Roadmap to Success

While building a successful investing business follows a common path to success, the unique thing about yours is.... YOU... While you're here we'll help you devise the perfect plan that fits your business so you leave having an actionable roadmap for YOUR success.

If you want to stop feeling stuck and get back to that excitement you felt when you started... then THIS EVENT is for your


Before The 2 Day Workshop 😭

  • Inconsistent and unsystematized marketing leading to inconsistent deal flow

  • No lead flow, no lead management, no deal process

  • Struggling to scale past a handful of deals at a time

  • No recruiting, hiring, or onboarding working in the background to build your A-Team

  • Acquisitions team members who can never seem to close as well as you

  • Dispo'ing to same old tired buyers over and over

  • A dispo department that is an expense instead of an asset

  • No provent system to maximize contract spread (aka profit)

  • Hustler mentality not a leader mentality

After The 2 Day Workshop 🤑

  • In-depth understanding of all currently available marketing channels, how to use them, and when to use them. This isn't theory, this is based on what's actually working in our own REI business today.

  • A consistent flow of leads AND CONTRACTS that becomes predictable, reliable, and most importantly... scalable. This is how YOU WORK LESS!

  • A proven 5-day onboarding process for acquisitions so that you find, vet, train, and retain the most powerful closers (or really anyone)in the business.

  • Steal our time tested systems to build your dispositions team, develop VIP buyers, and find the most profitable exit strategy for EVERY CONTRACT!

  • Our dummy-proof method that allows your dispositions department to offload contracts in record time and unlock an overlooked stream of revenue!

  • The exact SOP's to build a transaction coordination team that ensures no contract dies from lack of attention or falling through the cracks.

  • Learn how YOU can become your business' LEADER instead of its linchpin. Stop the grind of working IN your business so you can work ON your business. We'll show you how to drive culture, develop talent that will go to war for you, and build the business you've been envisioning!



The moment you realize you were meant to attend this event

Day 0 is where you get to step into our investing world, look over the shoulder of our high performance team, see how every role works together, and begin to understand where you're heading. You'll see what it takes to run a high-caliber team that is locking up 300+ contracts a year.

This day is almost universally the most exciting day for our attendees. You see, unlike other REI educators out there who stop doing the business and just teach their tired, old, dated, strategies. We're actively running our REI business right now.

Because we're doing nearly a deal a day right now you'll be able to pull the curtain back and really see what it takes.

  • Sit with every key member and look over their shoulder to see how that role is dialed-in for driving more contracts and volume.

  • Steal the exact process that our sales manager uses to coach the sales team to record-setting months.

  • Learn what it takes to be a leader that creates leaders. This is the roadmap to removing yourself and recapturing your time.

  • Why the RIGHT team is more important than the right tools.

  • Why it's so important for your team to be physically with you. Virtual sounds great but we'll show you how in-person pays for itself over and over again.

  • The difference a "growth" vs "cut cost" mindset will make to your bottom line

  • See what driving company culture from the top down actually looks and feels like

Even if you ONLY came for this one day, you'd walk away having a better picture of how to build out your business for scalability... but you've got 2 full days after this too!


Day 1 is all about systems & processes. We're going to show you step by step what you need to build out in your business to replicate what we've done. You saw it in action during Shadow Day. Now it's time to understand the components it requires to build that same machine into your business.

On Day 1, you're going to:

  • Better understand seller psychology so that you can negotiate the best margins on every contract.

  • Master the audit process for calls - this one technique will singlehandedly drive your sales velocity

  • Map out your infrastructure. Locking up 300+ contracts a year doesn't happen without a plan. You can copy-paste our plan into your business once you understand it.

  • Map out the pay structure for every position in your company so that you're team is incentivized to win, and you're able to hire the best and build a dream team.

  • Walk through our culture playbook. The simple and replicable steps to creating raving fans of YOU and YOUR BUSINESS.

  • Networking dinner. If you're going to spend 2 days with us, you might as well have some fun and network too!


Build Your Foundation To Scale Faster Than You Thought Possible

We know you're ready to scale your business, we know you're ready to stop working IN your business and instead work ON it. We know you probably don't have the right foundations to do this.... how do we know?

Because we were there ourselves not too long ago. Day 2 is all about showing you what we learned, helping you avoid the mistakes we made, and getting to your end goal faster and easier.

On Day 2, you're going to learn:

  • Our simple 4-Step recruiting process, including HR Policies & Procedures - Your team will make or break your business.

  • Advanced Marketing - every possible channel you need to know about and how to use them in TODAY's market.

  • Dispositions - The step-by-step system we use to ensure that we can sell a contract within hours instead of weeks.

  • Accounting, KPIs, & Growth - Everything you need to make sure you have the money, metrics, and maturity to scale.

"Why Do I Need This

Right Now?

Ever go to a 2-Day event that didn’t pay off? They got you all hyped up on dance 🕺🏻 music, showed you some motivational videos, fired a bunch of information at you through a fire hose, and you went home feeling super motivated. 

Then the next day you woke up and realized you didn’t really learn anything 🤔 that could actually help you improve your business, nor do you have any concrete steps to apply the information that was shared to your business to help it grow. 

The hype music and motivation are gone. It’s just you back in the everyday grind again minus the money you paid for the event.

Sound Familiar? We know... because we've been there.

This iS NoT that Event

About Tiffany & Josh High:

Kent Clothier

We’re Tiffany & Josh High, Co-founders Results Driven REI and Heels Homes, ltd. Around a decade ago, we were where you are today — operating like a fly-by-night operation and wearing all the hats with inefficient processes and a business that was barely staying afloat. 

The worst part was, we didn’t even realize how badly we were actually struggling until it was too late. We woke up one day and hated what we built. It didn’t matter that we did 165 deals during year 2 in the business, we were building CHAOS. 

We really used to think that we could build a business and a team while relying on less than 5 marketing channels, little to no management infrastructure and off 1 exit strategy… just to name a few. 

Boy, were we wrong.

We were forced to open our eyes and make the decision to take a step back in the business and press “reset” and start from the ground up again 3 years into the wholesaling and flipping business. 

At that time, we hired a one-on-one coach and took 90 days to rebuild the business. In that 90 days we did the following:

  1. Rebuilt our entire CRM and phone system

  2. Rebuilt our entire Marketing plan and launched

  3. Rebuilt our entire recruiting process we have today

  4. Rebuilt our onboarding for every role in the company

  5. Rebuilt our daily training, sales call audit framework and performance management

  6. Rebuilt how we manage culture

  7. Rebuilt our pay structure and org chart

  8. Rebuilt all of our KPI dashboards and tracking

And much more….

You name it, we rebuilt it. We did it because we were committed to reaching the goals we had for ourselves, our marriage, and our family. 

We now have half the team doing 3x the revenue as we were back then. After a 90 day rebuild, we did 300 contracts the following year and have been locking up 20+ contracts a month fully virtual ever since. 

Today we operate a multi-million dollar operation that is self managed. WE have leaders in place running the show so that we could also build other businesses which we love to do. 

We VIRTUALLY acquire, inspect, dispo, AND rehab all of our houses.

Yes, we even virtually rehab 20+ houses at a time. 

It’s all a result of executing processes, systems, diversified marketing channels, recruiting, onboarding, management infrastructure, and culture. 

We believe that leaders drive culture and culture drives results. 

Whether you want to do 30 deals a year or 300+, it requires you to have the same foundation and the same infrastructure. The deal count is really just a matter of what size of team you want to build. 

But remember this:

You’ll never reach freedom if you don’t build people. 

You can’t build people without the right foundation. 

Without the right foundation, you’ll always be in this rat race of inconsistent months and one day, it’ll just all crash. 

In order to get the results you want, you have to first LEARN how to do the right things, then DO the things that it takes to get them, then BECOME the leader it takes to deserve the results. 


If you’d like to get valuable insights that can truly change the course of your business, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re always happy to help you assess where you are today, where you want to be, and we’ll tell you how my team and I can get you there if you decide to work with us someday.

Whether we end up working together or not, I promise you, you'll walk away from any conversation you have with us knowing exactly what you need to do in order to reach your business goals.

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